Murray Street Baptist Church - 175 Murray Street, Peterborough, ON Join us for worship Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
Visitors and Guests

Welcome to Murray Street Church. We want to make your visit a memorable and enjoyable occasion. You may have visited the Church during the week or this is your first time for a Sunday visit. Our worship begins at 10:30 a.m. You can check out the map to see that Murray Street Baptist is located at 175 Murray Street which is in the block between George Street and Aylmer.
⇒ at the Church, accessed via laneway off Murray Street.
⇒ at the Armouries, a cross from the Church, during Sunday worship
⇒ limited Public Parking, free on Sundays off Brock Street.
⇒ street parking.

From street parking, the entrance to the Sanctuary may be gained by the front doors. For those who parked in the parking lots, entrance to the Church and Sanctuary is through the back door. This is also our accessibility entrance with an elevator to the Sanctuary level and down to the Dining Room level.
Once inside follow the signs and the people to the Sanctuary, the place for worship. As you enter the Sanctuary you will be welcomed by a greeter and handed a calendar which gives the outline of the Worship Service and announcements for happenings during the week.
You may sit in any place that you feel comfortable. And speaking of comfortable, the question always arises: What to wear? We go from very casual to those who like to dress up. Everybody fits in and will be welcomed. There is nursery care available during worship. Older children are present during the first part of worship and then go out to their program.