Murray Street Baptist Church - 175 Murray Street, Peterborough, ON Join us for worship Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
Life at Murray Street

How do we grow together? By growing Heart to Heart.
A women’s Bible study that meets every Monday in the Mary Nicholls room of the church. Coffee at 10 a.m. followed by the study at 10:30. Led by Rev. Evelyn Moore. All women welcome.

Active Faith
For faith to be genuine, it must be Active!
Our ActiveFaith group meets twice a week. Sundays at 9 a.m. before worship at the church, and Tuesdays at 7 p.m. online via Zoom. Our ActiveFaith sessions focus on different books of the Bible, some of the great literature and writings of the Church, all with a focus on building disciples. All are welcome!

Baptist Women
Our Baptist Women’s group have a long and storied history of service and devotion.
Baptist Women meet at the church on the 3rd Wednesday of every month. We are women who love the Lord and whose purpose is to encourage, inspire and equip every woman to share the love, joy, hope and peace found in Christ wherever they may be. Contact Jean Spencer at [email protected]. We invite you to visit the Canadian Baptist Women web site for more information.

Feeding The Hungry
Many times on the pages of Scripture, we are encouraged and directed to feed the hungry. At MSBC, we take that seriously.
We have a number of ministries to help those with food insecurity. Our Community Breakfast is served on the third Saturday of every month. A generous breakfast, friendly faces and hope are offered to all who visit. We begin serving at 9 a.m.
On the last Monday of every month, we hold our Fresh Beginnings program. A free distribution of fresh fruits, vegetables and some extras (including occasional extras and treats). Before we begin helping guests with their Fresh Beginnings bags, sandwiches and coffee are available. We open the doors at 4 p.m., and begin distribution at 4:30 p.m.
Throughout the month, we run The Pantry, a program designed to help those in need acquire non-perishable, ‘staple’ food items. Available on request, and as donated supplies are available.

The Closet/Drop-in
Helping those in need with high-quality clothing!
We understand that Jesus’ direction to us to care for another includes, but is not limited to, supplying food and meals. The Closet is a large collection of gently used, quality, donated clothes that are available to anyone in need. No questions asked! The Closet is open on Thursdays from 10 a.m. until noon, with a ‘drop-in’ component as well. Sit for a while, have a coffee and a snack and join our volunteers in a conversation. All are welcome!