Murray Street News

Charitable Giving Through Your Will

Have you considered making a gift to MSBC in your will? As Christians, we are stewards of the assets the Lord has entrusted to us.  A Legacy gift allows your earthly treasure to produce heavenly results. After providing for your family, you may wish to consider a gift to MSBC.  There are many ways to do this, and some gifts may save income tax as well.

One way is to simply name MSBC as a beneficiary in your will.  You may also gift capital stock or other assets which may reduce income taxes even more. Another is designating all or a portion of your RRSP’s or RRIF’s to MSBC. Life Insurance policies can also be designated as a gift.

Always consult your professional advisor to see what charitable giving option is best for you. Once you’ve consulted your advisors and your family, please give us a call so that we are aware of your wishes.

Legacy gifts can be a wonderful and rewarding spiritual testimony to support MSBC’s continued ministry in our community

Thank you,

Administration & Finance Committee