Precept Ministry Online Bible Study


March 3, 2025    
9:15 am - 10:45 am

When?       Mondays 9:15 to 10:45 am

Where?     Online using Zoom


Currently studying:

1 TIMOTHY — THE CHURCH, THE PILLAR AND SUPPORT OF THE TRUTH // How are the people in the church to behave? What happens when we hear teaching that is not the truth? Timothy, a young pastor, was told the answers to these question in this letter written to him. It contains some doctrine, but also very practical instructions for how people in the church are to live.

 One week will involve discussion based on our workbook and the next week will be watching / discussing a DVD on the lesson.

 Newcomers are welcome to join part way through the study.

Contact Bev or Roger Bresee (705-799-5314 or [email protected]) for further information.